We offer PCR and antigen tests (not covered by insurance) for asymptomatic patients and travelers.
If you have symptoms that suggest you may be infected with the new coronavirus, please inform us when you visit our clinic.
With this test, you can know if you are currently infected. We need 1-2 ml of your saliva for the test.
PCR is short for Polymerase Chain Reaction, which is a method that detects and amplify the genetic material of a virus.
Test fee
・PCR test + phone consultation: 25,000 JPY (tax included)
・PCR test + phone consultation + negative test certificate: 30,000 JPY (tax included)
Please be advised that issuing a negative certificate for overseas travel will cost an additional 5,000 JPY (tax included).
With this test, you can know if you are currently infected.
We will insert a swab into your nose, just like an influenza test. You will have your result in 15 minutes, but the PCR test is more accurate, so the PCR test is a more effective way to prove your negative result.
Test fee
・6,000 yen (tax included)
We only have a few kits left.
Please call us to make a reservation for your test on 03-6263-2034.
If you belong to any of the following categories, we recommend making a reservation as soon as possible:
■ You are planning a business trip, whether overseas or in Japan, and need to have the PCR test results certified.
■ You are planning to meet people who are at high risk of infection (who may get seriously ill) and need to confirm if you are infected with the new coronavirus.
■ You interact with others frequently and would like to take this test.
If you have a fever of 37.5℃ or higher, or if you have had close contact with an infected person, please consult a medical institution specialized in fever or your local health center.
The definition of a close contact by the Japanese National Institute of Infectious Diseases is as follows (as of April 20)
A person has had a “close contact” it he or she has meet with a patient (confirmed case) during the period of possible infection, and who falls within the categories below.
・ Persons who live with a patient (confirmed case) or had prolonged contact with a patient (also in a car, airplane, etc.)
・Persons who examined, nursed, or cared for a patient (confirmed case) without appropriate protection against the infection.
・ Persons who are likely to have had direct contact with contaminated materials such as airway secretions or body fluids of a patient (confirmed case).
・ Other persons who have had contact with a patient (confirmed case) for more than 15 minutes without the necessary infection prevention measures at a distance that allows hand-to-hand contact or face-to-face conversation (approximately 1 meter).