In recent years, the term “anti-aging” has become a popular topic in many advanced countries, where the population is aging. Many people understand that the term is associated with rejuvenation, but few may know what it really involves. In this article, we will introduce the definition of anti-aging, the causes of aging, preventive measures, and the latest research reports.
What is anti-aging?
Aging refers to the deterioration of physiological functions as we get older. Physical aging includes lifestyle-related diseases, weakening of bones and muscles, and the appearance of wrinkles, stains, and sagging of the skin.
Although the speed of aging varies from person to person, no human is immune to aging. However, regardless of gender, we all want to look and feel younger than our actual age. Of course, that also includes the desire to live as healthy as possible for as long as possible.
According to a report released by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare in Japan in 2020, the average life expectancy of Japanese is 81.64 years for men and 87.74 years for women.
Reference: Life expectancy for seniors
In recent years, due to the development of medical technology, the number of people who live longer has increased, and many people want to live a happy life in old age. In order to respond to the feelings of these aging people, society as a whole must think about how to bring about Successful Aging.
Reference: Health and Longevity Net, “What is Anti-Aging?
Major causes of aging
There are two theories that deal with the main causes of aging: the “program theory” and the “consumption theory”. We will explain each in detail.

・Programming theory
According to this theory, human aging and the rate of aging are regulated by genes. The programmed theory holds that just as the processes of birth, growth, and maturation are programmed into our genes, the aging process is also controlled by genes. As research progresses, it is thought that some genes affect anti-aging, and this is where the longevity of some families is supposed to come from.
Cell division in all human tissues continues to age year by year, and cells that have reached their final limit are called senescent cells. When a cell reaches the senescent stage, it can no longer multiply. This theory is based on the fact that human cells divide approximately 50 times, and the accumulation of senescent cells is also related to aging.
・ Consumption theory
According to this theory, aging is caused by cell damage by hormones and reactive oxygen species. Excess sugar in the body is also thought to cause aging. As we age, the things that cells need to survive are depleted, and when they reach a certain limit, they lose their function. This is ‘cellular aging’ and hormones and reactive oxygen species (ROS) are thought to be closely linked to this depletion.
ROS is produced by cellular and metabolic activities and is necessary for human life. However, some factors such as unbalanced diet, excessive alcohol consumption, irregular lifestyle, and stress can lead to the overproduction of ROS, which in turn accelerates the aging process.
The combination of these two mechanisms is thought to be responsible for human aging.
What is anti-aging medicine, that aims for healthy longevity?
Let us clarify what is anti-aging medicine.
Definition of anti-aging medicine
Anti-aging medicine is defined as the “theoretical and practical science that aims to provide a longevity enjoyed in good health.” Basically, it is medicine that aims to achieve a healthy old age and healthy longevity through a proper review of lifestyle habits. It also includes elucidating the mechanisms of why aging occurs and incorporating medical treatment. Since it is impossible to prevent diseases completely, it is important to maintain a balanced state of health that allows individuals to feel well, both physically and mentally, even when they are older and suffer from some illness.
Reference: The Japanese Society of Anti-Aging Medicine, “What is Anti-Aging Medicine (Anti-Aging Medicine)?
Transition of anti-aging medicine
A society in which 21% of the total population is 65 years old or older is called a “super-aging society”. Japan already reached this point in 2007 and is expected to rise to about 40% by 2060. At present, maintaining the health of the elderly is considered important not only as an individual’s desire to have a happy old age, but also as an issue for society as a whole.
Until now, Japan’s health policy has been to use national health insurance to treat illnesses. However, as the number of older people increases, this method becomes too expensive, so preventive medicine is attracting more and more attention in modern society.
Anti-aging medicine is a typical example of preventive medicine, and the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare in Japan currently recommends moderate exercise and a proper diet to prevent metabolic syndrome, which is defined as visceral obesity and abnormalities, such as high blood pressure, high blood sugar and lipid metabolism, that occur with age. Anti-aging medicine has evolved with this background, and it is something that society as a whole must be aware of.
Reference: The Japanese Society of Anti-Aging Medicine, “What is Anti-Aging Medicine (Anti-Aging Medicine)?
Anti-aging methods
Now we will explain in detail what we should pay attention to in our daily lives for anti-aging purposes.
Moderate exercise
As we age, our cells become weaker and less able to regenerate, resulting in the aging process. Various functions will decline, but be especially careful in the case of muscles, bones, and blood vessels because they have a systematic effect. There is always the possibility of becoming bedridden due to broken bones or falls, and aging blood vessels increase the risk of brain and heart diseases.
First, to prevent this from happening, we should strive to prevent lifestyle-related diseases. Aging and lifestyle-related diseases are closely related. By walking and doing muscle training on a regular basis, we can expect to prevent lifestyle-related diseases and delay the aging process.
What is healthy food?

Causes of aging include “glycation” and “oxidation”. Glycation is the “scorching of the body” and oxidation is the “rusting of the body”.
Glycation refers to the deterioration of cells by increasing AGE (glycation end-products) when excess sugar in the body from food is combined with proteins and other substances. As a preventive measure, it is important not to eat too many sugary sweets and breads, not to consume too many carbohydrates, to avoid fried foods, teriyaki, and other burnt foods, and to consume vegetables rich in dietary fiber.
Oxidation, on the other hand, refers to the deterioration of functions and cells when the body is attacked by active oxygen. To prevent oxidation, it is important to lead a regular and healthy lifestyle, avoid stress, and take in antioxidants through proper diet. Antioxidants, which are linked to anti-aging, are abundant in vegetables and fruits. It is also a good idea to drink red wine, green tea, black tea, and oolong tea, which are rich in polyphenols, a typical antioxidant, and to actively eat soybeans, blueberries, sesame seeds, and buckwheat noodles.
Reference: e-Health Net, “Antioxidants.
Sufficient sleep
Judith Carroll and her colleagues at Center for Psychoneuroimmunology at UCLA report that getting a good night’s sleep prevents aging and maintains a healthy body. Just one day of sleep deprivation is enough to damage cells and cause aging.
When sleep deprivation occurs due to irregular lifestyles and the quality of sleep declines, the risk of diseases that develop with aging, such as diabetes, heart disease, and aging blood vessels, increases. Generally, the appropriate amount of sleep is 7 to 8 hours per day, so make sure you sleep well.
Reference:AASM『Partial sleep deprivation linked to biological aging in older adults』
UV protection for beauty
Skin aging begins gradually in the mid-20s, and wrinkles, spots, and sagging skin become more noticeable in one’s 30s. The decline in skin elasticity, including wrinkles and sagging, is caused by a decrease in collagen fibers, and is also influenced by fluctuations in female hormones.
The most common cause of blemishes is UV damage. When exposed to large amounts of UV rays, the skin produces large amounts of melanin pigment in an attempt to defend itself. If you are young, the melanin pigment will be removed by skin turnover and the skin will return to its original state. However, as we age, the turnover rate slows down and the melanin pigment produced remains in the skin indefinitely, resulting in the formation of spots.
It is important to take measures such as applying sunscreen to avoid exposure to ultraviolet rays on a daily basis, as well as using cosmetics that prevent the synthesis of melanin pigments, and eating a diet that is aware of the intake of vitamins and polyphenols that activate the skin’s metabolism.
Vanguard of research
Shin-ichiro Imai, professor in the Department of Developmental Biology and Medicine at the University of Washington School of Medicine, and his colleagues report that when mice were experimentally treated with NMN (nicotinamide mononucleotide) for one year, the mice showed less decline in various organ functions such as weight gain, metabolism, and bone density due to aging than those that were not given NMN. NMN is also believed to be effective in treating diabetes, kidney disease, heart disease, and dementia, all of which the elderly are prone to.
NMN is a naturally occurring substance in the body that generates energy for cells in the human body, and it decreases with age.
In order to extend healthy life expectancy in today’s super-aging society, it is important to follow a lifestyle that include anti-aging measures to prevent cellular aging. For this purpose, we should make sure to exercise, eat, and sleep appropriately every day to fight against aging. Please put the information above to good use and live your old age in good health and full of life.